Research Projects in Obstetrics
In collaboration with "Università degli Studi di Milano"
Funded by: Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Mangiagalli e Regina Elena |
The main objective of the proposed project is study new inflammatory molecules, identified or studied by the groups participating in the pathogenesis of abnormalities of the embryo and the feto-placental development. These molecules are located in different level of validation in relation to their role in maternal-child health, and the proposed project will assess not only the role but also the pathogenic potential transfer to the clinic. A second purpose is represented by evaluation of mitochondrial element for the cellular activities that are very intense during intrauterine life, which was made recently in relation to metabolic abnormalities typical of inflammatory and nutritional.
Funded by: World Health Organization |
The organization PREterm BIrth Collaborative aims to foster collaboration and research between the working groups on preterm birth in an international context. The main purpose is to improve neonatal outcome by studying the causes and possible scheduling strategies for identifying high-risk pregnancies and for planning management.
Banck of Placenta
Funded by: MIUR, MPS Fondation |
The function of this structure is to collect and store samples of placental tissue (trophoblast and membranes), blood arterial / venous cord blood and plasma, serum, urine of the mother in order to make them available for present and future research projects to study gestational diseases.